lördag 4 januari 2020

Promisar vinter/våren 2020

3/1 Knallade Lugnetbacken ner och via båtklubbs-skogen runt,förbi båtklubben och sen hem samma väg.
Benämns KORTA VÄGEN hädanefter.
 Tog ca 52 minuter.
Tog ca 50 minuter.

1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...

According to Stanford Medical, It is indeed the ONLY reason this country's women live 10 years more and weigh an average of 19 kilos less than us.

(Just so you know, it is not about genetics or some secret exercise and really, EVERYTHING about "how" they are eating.)

BTW, What I said is "HOW", not "WHAT"...

TAP on this link to see if this little quiz can help you discover your true weight loss potential